Kids room feature - How to beautifully transform a kids room while renting

Here at Hope & Jade we're thrilled to bring you the second installment of our kids room feature blog. Each month we showcase some of the best nurseries, kids rooms and play rooms on the gram. Join us each month as we are joined by some wonderful interior stylists who share their top tips and tricks for creating magic in kids spaces!
We are so excited to introduce you to Amber-Lee, the mum of two from Townsville who shares her candid photography style and honest take on motherhood.
Amber-Lee with her adorable kids Ollie and Evie.
Welcome Amber-Lee, Please tell us a bit about yourself and your family.
When did you first get interested in kids interiors?
I got into styling & decor when pregnant with Evie who is now 9 months old. That's where I really started to grow my passion for designing and styling spaces. Her original nursery was my first taste at styling an entire room and though it swayed far from my original plan, it was gorgeous!
Contact Amber-Lee for collaboration inquiries at @our.candid.moments or via
What styles or themes inspire you?
I really love a mix of earthy and natural tones, featuring pieces that are boho, vintage and woodland. A bit of a strange combo but I adore the look!
What has been your favourite room to style to date?
Evie's current nursery is definitely my favourite room to date. I am obsessed with the pops of mustard, and the rainbows featured throughout.
Amber-Lee loves Evie's room with beautiful pops of mustard and rainbows featured throughout.
What challenges have you faced when styling kids interiors?
What is your go-to place for inspiration and ideas?
That's a tough one! There are so many brands and insta mama's doing amazing things with their rooms and play spaces... I adore The Wonders Of Play and Sam was a huge inspiration for me when decorating the nursery walls!
What is your favourite feature in your kids room at the moment?
Ooooh another tough one. I would say the rainbow wall above Evie's cot! I used Blond Noir animal spots and My Hidden Forest rainbow decals, they look amazing together and match the woven rainbow from Mac and Me perfectly.. The entire room was actually based around the colours of the woven rainbow!
How have you successfully blended your design ideas with your child's interests in their room?
Luckily I didn't have to worry much about this, as Evies interests are basically "hey will this fit in my mouth" haha! Ollie's room is a different story, he has decor that I love but in his favourite colour (blue) though it's never been a fully styled room as he is always messing his room up!
How does your child's room represent their personality?
Evie is a happy baby, ever since she was born she has just been SO happy all the time. So the rainbow room seemed fitting for her!
How did you decide on a theme for your kids room?
Honestly I never really chose a theme. I picked things I loved and created a moodboard to see if they would fit! If they didn't I either didn't get them, or changed them to suit! Narin from My Hidden Forest even worked with me to change the earthy rainbow decals a bit so they were less pink, so I could get the exact look I was after!
What are your top three tips for someone planning a nursery or kids room?
Amber-Lee suggests using moodboards to help create the vision for the room you are designing.
A big thank you to Amber-Lee for sharing all your tips and ideas with us. To connect with Amber-Lee or to hear more about her styling and design services be sure to contact her on Instagram or via email.
Amber-Lee -